En la Mesa del Señor
By Albert Coppo

Scripture-based lyrics and easy-to-sing melodies come together in this eight-song Spanish collection of liturgical music.
Albert Coppo's first full collection with OCP, En la Mesa del Señor (At the Lord's table) offers eight Spanish songs for liturgy. Along with songs for seasons and special feasts, there are general songs for liturgy, including songs for gathering, Communion, sending forth and more. Styles range from simple ballad, pop and rock to South American folk genres, stemming from Albert's native Peru.
Through moving melodies and straightforward lyrics, En la Mesa del Señor offers songs that invite the faithful to fully participate in every celebration. "Vamos Todos a la Casa del Señor" (Let us go to the house of the Lord) starts off the album, calling to listeners with the quintessential ringing of church bells.
Folk songs such as the title track and "Somos Discípulos Misioneros" (We are missionary disciples), bring a lively element, adding vibrant color and texture to the collection. Other highlights include "El Señor Es Mi Luz" (The Lord is my light), a simple, yet lovely interpretation of Psalm 27 that should be easily sung by any assembly.
The songbook offers guitar parts and three-, four- and five-part voicing as well as helpful composer notes for each of the eight songs. On the recording, along with standard instrumentation, you'll hear traditional Andean instruments like the quena (a six-holed flute), zampoña (pan flute) and charango (a lute-type of stringed instrument). A musical pastiche of sorts, the recording is proof that some music is as enjoyable to listen to as it is to sing.
Albert's many years of music ministry are evident throughout the collection—in both his Scripture-based lyrics and easy-to-sing melodies. Full of music to help the faithful grow in their faith and as a community, En la Mesa del Señor is ideal for any parish that is looking to enrich its liturgical music repertoire with modern ballads and the sounds and rhythms of South America.
Track listing (to view each song, click on the View songs tab above)
Vamos Todos a la Casa del Señor | El Señor Es Mi Luz | Llénanos de Tu Gracia y de Tu Amor | Como Tú, María | En un Pedazo de Pan | En la Mesa del Señor | Magnificat | Somos Díscipulos Misioneros